Sunday, June 19, 2011

Second First Painting Experience

Today was Nikki's Second First Painting Experience! His First Ever Painting Experience was at around two months old, 'signing' his thank you for cards for all the presents he was given when he was born, a week or two out of hospital.

I have wanted to do painting with him for a while, but the more mobile he gets, the more intimidated I became at the prospect. Last night, when I realised that Nikki didn't have a father's day card for his granddad, I finally had the excuse I needed to get the paints out.

Nikki LOVED it! He painted two cards and was still eager for more, so I went and got some paper and he made another four works of art. I'm so glad I waited until he was old enough to understand what he was doing - the smile on his face when he saw the colour go from his hands onto the paper (and floor!) was incredible.

The bath afterwards was fun, too! Though the water went completely blue!

And here's the finished artwork!

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